Monday, July 6, 2009

More summer reviews en route

Guyot Designs' Squishy bowls review is on the way, probably this week. This looks like a promising, durable and relatively inexpensive product with a ton of applications.

I'll also have a short piece on an inexpensive folding knife from CRKT, the quality of which far exceeds the meager pricepoint.

A visit to my local REI revealed that they are tremendously low in stock on most items (compared to just 2 weeks ago), signaling that the camping/hiking/outdoor industry will always find ways to thrive, even in extreme economic conditions.

I'm looking forward to mid August, when I'll get the chance on an annual fishing trip to evaluate some gear I've been saving, under different conditions, than say, in the backyard, or in the car.

Stay hydrated...

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