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Tuesday, February 10, 2009
New Build (10/22)
Because I am obsessed with Ruger's 10/22 platform, on top of the fact that their rifle in .22LR is generally what I'm interested in writing about, not to mention shoot, as promised I've gathered some photos of the current build of my most recently purchased (you might recall from November) 10/22.
As I stated in my previous post here, the barrel is the newest ad-on, and it arrived from Gunkings yesterday evening. As it's a modified factory barrel and not fully aftermarket, it dropped in with no issues at all. The blueing is a little iffy in a few places, though I'm not going to be picky about that, and my only other real complaint is that it doesn't fully jive with the glossy receivier. Other than that it's hot, 16 inches of which 5.5 are included in the length of the flash hider at the end of the barrel. Tacticool as hell and scary looking to boot.
While I haven't yet had an opportunity to take the new barrel out to the range, I was able to get some time with the Blackhawk Knoxx Axiom stock. The 6-position buttstock makes the gun comfortable for just about any shooter, also helping with adjusting eye relief depending on how far out you've got the scope zoom. The pistol grip is amazingly ergonomic and comfortable as well, feeling exceptionally natural in how one grips the weapon. And I love the fact that with this stock the barrel is completely free-floating. My groups were extremely tight using the Butler Creek barrel with the Knoxx stock, and I'm hoping for similar results with the Gunkings barrel as well.
I'm extremely pleased with this gun at this point. It looks mean as hell and about as far from a plinker as you can get, but I'm also looking forward to shooting this for accuracy at the range. I will likely be making a few more modifications to this gun, granted they won't be visible changes. Namely swapping out the hammer and bolt buffer, and maybe adding a match grade trigger in there as well. No doubt any changes I do make I will be sure to post about here once I do. Keep your eyes out for Sunday's range report where I'll be able to detail how the gun performs. Until then, keep bustin caps.
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1 comment:
Good work on the gun and the writeup. I hope you're well E-Dogg. I'll talk to you soon, I think I have some sundays off to tag along to the range with you soon...
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