Friday, May 20, 2011

Jason Brous Silent Soldier, a Quick Peek, & a word on preventing spots on D2 steel, & some cussing.

So, I got the Jason Brous Silent Soldier, & it is bad-ass indeed.  I've had a rough couple of weeks & can't find the will to write or do any serious work due to some bullshit....but this is none of your concern.  Rock out to Wormrot's "Freedom to Act", @ the intro, they're a killer grindey-sorta band from Singapore, & they rule shit, & you can download their new album for free @ Earache records.  I'm not a spokesperson, I just dig the shit, which is why I leave interested parties to find the link for the download themselves...Anyhoo....diggit.  Jason, "YOUNG METAL", nobody calls him that...but I just did, & if people were cool, they'd start calling Jason that also, because he's young, & does cool shit with steel.
photo borrowed from 

See Jason's wares HERE.