Friday, June 12, 2009

Light My Fire Spork vs. forklift and semi-truck

This video is from the Light My Fire website, care of Industrial Revolutions. Industrial Revolutions is a plastics company out of Redmond, WA the former home of both Eric and myself, Aaron. They are just blocks from my former apartment at Shadowbrook, and not far from where Eric grew up. They make those cool plastic balls that enable you to make ice cream on camping trips and I think they locally distribute some products for Light My Fire, through a partnership also. Industrial Revolutions is the sole maker also, of the very popular UCO candle lanterns and other outdoor lighting products.

I own that same green spork in the video, it came in handy when I worked for a corporate housing company and did much of my work out of a delivery van. There's no excuse to use a goddamn flimsy teriyaki joint fork to eat your lunch on the job! These sporks are cool because one end is a true spoon, for coffee and such, and the other end is a true fork, with a serrated knife edge. The best part is, these ingenious little things only cost (on average) about $3.00 US. I love my Snowpeak titanium spork, but these LMF sporks are way more versatile, come in a ton of colors, and what's $3, even in this economy, if you lose it? I think one of the coolest things about Light My Fire gear, is that it's MADE IN SWEDEN! I'm sure any company could crank out a polycarbonate spork in any armpit corner of China, where human rights violations are an everyday thing...but NO! These are Swedish MADE!!!!!!!!!!!! And Industrial Revolutions products are USA made, in my second hometown!

When I first saw the Light My Fire Sporks at REI several years back, they only came in 4 or 5 primary colors (useful for outdoor use, if dropped). Now it appears they come in tactical blacks, greens, there's even a titanium version available for a few more bucks....and don't forget "tactical" pink for wives, girlfriends and moms (or gender "secure" male friends) who dig the outdoors! After all, Jeff Randall's RAT Cutlery Company makes their awesome Izula neck knife in pink, reasoning being they operate exclusively in the jungle, and the South American jungle's floor is pretty much *just* green. Pink might be an un-macho color, but for outdoor use, knives and sporks in pink make a hell of a lot of good sense!

btw: A recent trip to my local Tacoma REI yielded a $20 Petzl Tikkina basic headlamp (which kicks ass) and is made somewhere other than China (yay!)
I also picked up Light My Fire's "Grandpa's FireFork" which is simplicity and ingeniousness combined for about 5 bucks! Reviews on the Petzl lamp and FireFork are coming ASAP for an SB&T summer essential gear roundup (I'll need Eric's help on this one).
Stay safe, cool, and don't forget the sunblock!!!!

$19.95 USD Petzl Tikkina headlamp on the way:

My guess is that this is the best headlamp you can own in the sub-$25 range, I've only had mine a few days and I've already gotten my money's worth out of it! BAD F***ING ASS!

For more info on Sporks or Light My Fire's other cool Swedish Made products LightMyFireUSA

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